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Notify Delivery Service Providers

Let your delivery service providers know how to use your new adoorn mail or package box. Set up all your common carriers with ease.

Instructions for Delivery Service Providers

  1. Notify them of the location of your Adoorn product.
  2. Tell them to deliver inside your Adoorn product.

An example of instructions:

“Place delivery inside the Adoorn located on the [porch/driveway/etc].

Open the lid/door and place the delivery inside.

Close the lid/door.”

Common Delivery Services


Create a personal My Choice account by clicking here.

  1. Under UPS My Choice for Home, click “Set My Preferences”.
  2. Navigate to Delivery Options > Driver Instructions > Provide Location and Instructions.


Create a personal account with FedEx Delivery Manager by clicking here.

  1. Upon completion of the setup & validation process, update the Delivery Instructions by clicking "view/edit" within the Delivery Address(es) section of the FedEx Delivery Manager page.
  2. Within the Delivery Instructions section, there is a location dropdown & area titled "Help find your address" where you can enter your Adoorn instructions. Note: There is a 35 Character Limit.


Create a personal shopping account by clicking here. Within Your Account setting, select/update the following under Your Addresses:

  • Select Edit for the address you'd like to update.
  • Designate the Adoorn location for your home - front porch, back door, side porch, etc...
  • Go to Add Delivery Instructions where you can note the utilization of your Adoorn product, its placement location at your home, and how to access the unit.
  • Finalize by selecting Save Changes.


Sign up for USPS Informed Delivery by clicking here. Upon completion of setup, go to "Settings" and sign up for package alerts to text or email. For future packages, if a package qualifies for the USPS Delivery Instructions™ service, you can tell USPS where to leave a package at your address, send it to a different address, or send it to your Post Office.

Click Change Delivery Instructions on the tracking results page to leave your request. If you do not see the Change Delivery Instructions link, your package is not eligible for the Delivery Instructions service.